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First of MANY.

Woohoo! Welcome to my new Blog! I have been back and fourth for such a long time; should I make a blog? Should I not?? Finally, as you can see, I've made the decision.

At the moment, this will seem a little all over the place because I'm not completely decided on the type of entries I'll be writing, but I really hope you enjoy the posts I add onto here, as much as I'm going to enjoy writing them. I need to get back into talking about business; I miss business lessons and the discussions we would have in there, so that is most likely going to be popping up throughout my work. I study Philosophy and English, so they'll be popular guests in the blog posts. Philosophy is FASCINATING, trust me, there'll be many debates. Alongside everyday bits and bobs and maybe some cooking tricks and skills - I'm a Taurus, what can you expect?

Basically, a bit of everything that makes me Nicole will be on here. Not everything I write will be serious, not all will be fun, but I am ready for the rollercoaster ride. Strap yourselves in... it's going to be hectic. But also calm. Also kinda not. Depends on the days probably.

There's a forum on here also, which I loved was even an option because I want this space to be collaborative and interactive! Rather than me putting my point in and not having any back, even though that would usually mean I'd win the argument. LOL.

Anyway, this was just a fun first post to ease us all into what my blog will be. I hope you feel intrigued, because even I do.

With Love & Thoughts,

Nicole Woodhouse

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Mason Avery
Mason Avery
Jan 07, 2023

Hi Nicole! Lets hear more about the Philosophy side of your course along with some debates! Keep up the blogs and forum posts, its always nice to hear about other jobs and lives and sharing our experiences!

Nicole Woodhouse
Nicole Woodhouse
Jan 08, 2023
Replying to

Thank you Mason!

A Philosophy blog might just be on its way. Looking forward to seeing your perspective on some of the Philsophy topics.

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